Dehydration in babies: the best practical tips to prevent it.
Dehydration in babies is not always preventable. The risk of dehydration increases if the baby vomits repeatedly, especially if there is a stomach problem. Sometimes, babies need to drink water, especially when they play outside or are active. We tried to share our parenting experience with our audience, and we hope this blog will help a lot.
How to fill the lack of water in the body of the child:
1. Drink enough water. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children between the ages of 1 and 3 should drink at least four cups of water and other fluids a day. By age four, it is recommended to drink at least 5 cups of water a day. Drinking bottled water while going out on a hot day can make up for the lack of water. When it is hot, you should drink two to three cups of water with it.
2. Don’t drink too much juice: Juice or fruit juice contains excess sugar. Juice does not contain the same amount of nutrients as whole fruit, so it’s important to consume it in moderation.
Children between 1 and 6 years of age can have 4 to 6 ounces of juice. Excess juice intake can cause problems such as diaper rash, tooth decay, weight gain, and diarrhoea. So, to avoid these problems, it is better to avoid having juice every day.
Regular juice should not be included in the baby’s food. If the baby eats juice, it should be natural or homemade. It should not contain any chemicals or anything else. Make it with only fruit juice and add water to reduce the sugar content (half juice, half water).
I have not fed my kids any juice until today. Sometimes, I throw away the orange without chewing it, and I squeeze the juice out of it. I have never given store juice.
3. Do not go outside when the temperature is the highest. When the sun is overhead, the temperature is the highest. And at this time, the child cannot be allowed to play outside or be taken outside for any other activity. Even if it comes down, it should come down less and less. Considering the time and temperature, it should be allowed to come down outside. For example, you can play in the park, swimming pool, or behind the house before 10 am or after 4 pm. When the heat gets too hot, you should stay in the shade, take a bath if you are at the beach or swimming pool, or stay indoors. It is better to eat and sleep without going out during a hot day.
4. The child should be properly dressed. During hot weather, loose, thin cotton clothes should be worn.
5. Foods that are high in water should be given. In this case, sliced watermelon is very useful as it contains a lot of water. Soup also fulfills the baby’s water needs and keeps him fresh. Let the baby eat summer fruits and vegetables.

Treatment for Dehydration from Stomach Disease:
Diarrhea, dysentery, or stomach disease can easily dehydrate children. Repeated vomiting or diarrhea removes the necessary water from the child’s body. Excessive vomiting excites large amounts of sodium, potassium, and chloride from the body. These elements maintain the balance of fluid in the body or help to maintain the amount of water in the body.
Most of the problems of dehydration can be solved at home. But if the child is not able to drink water or liquid food properly, then it is not possible at home. Some measures should be taken, such as frequent sips of water, feeding Pedialyte (electrolytes made for children), or other drinks to meet electrolyte needs. A doctor should be consulted before giving Ursaline.
After the child vomits, wait for an hour. It is better not to eat anything within an hour. Then, one spoonful of Pedialyte or water should be fed every ten minutes for an hour. If the child can hold this water inside, then the amount of water feeding should be increased slowly.
If you see the dangerous signs of dehydration, take the child to the hospital quickly.
1. Vomiting for more than 24 hours
2. If there is blood in the stool, if the stool is green or greenish, or if there is something brown in the stool, like coffee beans.
3. If the child does not want to drink any liquid or water at all
4. If the baby is uncomfortable due to gas or because of the increased belly due to drinking too much water
If diarrhea or vomiting occurs throughout the day, electrolyte fluids should be fed for the next 12 to 24 hours. As the baby gradually recovers, normal daily foods should be resumed. Foods that help babies with diarrhea include jau rice, green beans, applesauce, pears, bananas, and thin biscuits called saltine crackers. The reason for feeding these foods is to resume normal eating habits. If the child has diarrhea, the doctor prohibits feeding milk and milk-based food for a few days.
Another thing is that any food that the baby can digest should be fed; there is no need to list any special food. The stomach does not want to digest anything during stomach ailments like diarrhea, so children stop eating at this time. It is better to eat something (be it dairy or citrus fruits) than not to eat anything at all.

A doctor should treat dehydration in babies as follows:
Young children of this age can cure mild or moderate dehydration at home by increasing their intake of liquid food and water on the doctor’s advice. However, if the child is severely dehydrated, parents should take them to a doctor for IV treatment, including intravenous medication and fluids.
If you see any symptoms, you should go to the hospital immediately.
1. Unusually cold hands and feet
2. Wrinkling of the skin
3. Excessive restlessness, crying or fussing
4. Oversleeping, weakness or alchemy (lying down without exercise)
5. Not urinating even once in 7 hours.
6. Numbness or numbness of the soft part of the scalp
In hot weather or with colic problems, it can be difficult to tell if a baby is drinking enough water. Drinking plenty of water beforehand can prevent dehydration before it happens. Of course, watch for any signs of dehydration.
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